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Into the Unknown...

I've loved the idea of the law for as long as I could remember, and spending the entire week going into the depths of the law world, has only peaked my interest even more. My name is Addison, and I have decided to study Corporate law for my independent study and mentorship class. Now the main thing people ask me when I tell them I want to be a corporate lawyer is, "Why? What even is that?". My goal is to finally tell people what corporate law is and why it is so important. During this last week, I've tried finding many articles that really went into detail about corporate law, and I barely found any. Many articles just talked about the same old things, like how much money they make and only mention some of their duties. Instead of little facts here and there, I want to know their day to day activities, the exciting details, the most challenging part of the job itself! Besides some lack in details, I did find out that corporate lawyers don't just know the basics about corporations, they incorporate almost every law field you can imagine. Whether its business, contract, zoning, or even tax law, Corporate lawyers use it in their job duties. It is absolutely mind-boggling that there is so much knowledge and so many different fields that go into this one job and nobody hardly talks about. I am so looking forward to finding a mentor that can help me crack the codes to corporate law and can show me the in's and out's of this complex field. My goals this week are to perfect my research tactics and come up with as much research and questions I can for whenever I find my mentor. While this is just the beginning, I can already feel more excitement and craziness to come!!

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