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"D" Day!!

This is going to be such a stress-filled, nerve-wracking, and exciting week this week in ISM because... FINAL PRODUCT IS DUE ON FRIDAY!! I cannot decide if I am more nervous or more excited that my final product is due on Friday. I have put a tremendous amount of work into this class and I am hoping it is easy to understand and it shows all of the work that had put into it. The only thing that's making me nervous is that I don't know if my idea is as great as some people's are. Corporate Law isn't some overly exciting course that everyone looks forward to learning about frankly because no one really knows about it in the first place. The sole purpose of my final product IS to change that. I want people to finally get to know this field of law and I want others to see how important it actually is in the business world. My Final Product may not be the most exciting thing to display, but it is the most practical especially since education and career pathways are very important lessons that need to be encouraged and followed in high school. There are only about two more weeks until Final Product and I am so excited for my friends, family, and teachers to see the progress I made throughout the whole year!

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