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Getting the Ball Rolling

Last week, was a pretty hectic week in the ISM world. I had to do more research on Corporate Law, and my goal for this round of research was to find more information on the other law fields that corporate lawyers tend to use throughout their job. I found out that finance law and contract law plays a big role in the corporate world, but the factor that stuck out the most for me was that finance law and corporate law have very similar duties. I was shocked and had many questions as to why I found them so similar when it came to job description. This week and next week are key times to try and connect with corporate lawyers on Linkedin and try to find a mentor. While I am excited that were finally diving deep into what ISM is really about, I'm also nervous because what if I don't find a mentor? Or what if it takes a really long time?Or what if I change my mind in what I want to study? It's probably just nerves, but I am really, really excited on finally getting out there into the real, professional world and finding others who can answer all of my questions about their profession!

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